
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Last of the month blues...

Like I promised, I sorta forgot about this space til I needed to say something. Yeah, I suck. Oh well.

I always seem to scramble at the end of the week or month, before a big restocking grocery trip, to figure out what the hell to feed everyone. It isn't that there isn't food. The problem is there IS food but nothing that matches up well, or too many of one type, or enough sides without enough entree items or vise versa. It's like playing tetris and meals are full lines, but every shape falling is just that side of not useful! It's highly annoying.

I get creative, and sometimes it works and sometimes... well... We just won't mention it. For the longest time I could just grab a box of something a call it good, but with the kids' allergies, it often means homemade slap-together. Today they had leftover homemade soup with a side of homemade lemon blueberry muffins. Not the best flavor compliment ever, but no one broke out in hives and everyone is fed. Bully for me. (Hey, I call that a win.)

But it really is stressful. There are only so many things I can bake before we're in carbo overload and practically raving maniacs for a piece of beef. It really isn't pretty. So I limp along, hiding away that pound of ground beef until someone loses their marbles and demands "real food." Vegetarians we are not...


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