
Friday, May 10, 2013

Uh, hi?

I've tried blogging before. It's never worked out for one reason or another... Ok, to be honest, I'm lazy to begin with, and I have 3 kids. I forget, I get busy, no one comments and I get discouraged. But those blogs were for other people, to connect; this one is for me. So I'm hoping it goes a little better. I make no promises, but hey.

I'm never sure how to start a blog. How does one introduce oneself to the entire Internetz without being all, "Hey, dude! You should totally read my life story, I posted it to Blogger for the whole world to see!" Creepy much? But I guess a little overview would be helpful since, when I get to posting about my family and my neurotic pets and the weird neighbors who let their kids play in the road at midnight, you should have some frame of reference. I'm going to confuse anyone who reads this enough without you wondering, who the hell are these people?!?!

You can call me Geek. I wear that title with probably a bit too much pride. I dig books, comics (ahem, graphic novels now, though when I was a kid collecting the bloody things they were comics, dangit!), movies, TV shows, anything and everything sci-fi and fantasy. Even if I don't particularly like the series or universe or character, I appreciate its contribution to the vast wealth of Geekdom. I don't know as much as others, I'm not an ubergeek, but my heart has always been faithful to the nerdy. <3

I have three kids, all girls. (Someone save me!) I love them more than life itself, and they are probably the #1 cause of hair loss and eye twitching in my house. I think it's karma. My mother wished children like myself on me so many times as a child/teenager that I got not one, but three of them. Thanks, Mom. As of right now, the oldest, A, is 7. The middle child, R, is 6. And my youngest (but not last if my partner has anything to say on the matter), M, is 3.

Part of the reason for starting this blog is to pour out my joys and frustrations over raising these three unique and challenging human beings into something approximating responsible adults. Frankly, I'll settle for anything short of rampaging wolf-children set on destroying the world. The other part, ironically, is to escape from Mommyland every once in a while. I don't think I do this enough, and that's pretty much bullshit. Everyone needs a break, and hopefully, this is mine. Welcome to my messed up, messy little corner of the world.


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